Pandahouse酒吧 国庆节主题派对 | PANDA HOUSE 红潮中国精彩瞬间,今晚继续当红不让!

5年前 发布 3273 1





Chinese red is the steadfast firmness of the past 70 years. It is the transformation of the old and the new through the old and the new. It is the rational emotion of all the Chinese people who is from the heart. It is enough to reflect the beauty of the world by the circulation of one color.


 On the basis of the elements of national style, red is the gift, and then add the trend, so that the color of our hospital, people are constantly jumping with the throb of the party, everything is guided by red, directly stimulating the inner feelings. 丰富而惊艳的国风大修,不断刷新视听的界限营造的致美,是文化的融入,更是对艺术化的追求。

 The rich and amazing overhaul of the national culture and the continuous refreshment of the boundaries between audiovisual and visual to create beauty is the integration of culture, but also the pursuit of artistry. 高密度的派对创新玩法,多层次的舞台道具辅佐,PANDA HOUSE强调的是全新艺术下的玩乐主张以“红”传递新潮艺术的时尚理念。

 The rich and amazing overhaul of the national culture and the continuous refreshment of the boundaries between audiovisual and visual to create beauty is the integration of culture, but also the pursuit of artistry.

红潮中国  轰动顺德  天阙以炽热的红色  将假期热情放肆点燃  今晚继续当红不让!

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