HGC苏州后宫 万圣节特别企划 # 囍 · 前世因今生果 路边的红包不要捡 精彩回顾

4年前 发布 2282 0

夜幕悄然降临 四周不断弥漫着雾气 预示着恐怖的降临 是否感觉到周围的灵魂在飘荡

 Night falls quietly, surrounded by fog, which indicates the arrival of terror. Do you feel the soul floating around





Is the red in front of your eyes a symbol of 

festivity or bleak cold? 

Do you scream with blood red 

各路小鬼聚集 上演鬼混大剧 热度超过七夕之夜 果然爱情与鬼混后者更令人兴奋 Ghosts from all walks of life gather to perform a series of gangsters, which is more popular than the night of Chinese Valentine's Eve. 

万圣鬼混没尽兴 光棍节HGC CLUB 继续营造你的鬼混专场

本策划出自:HGC苏州后宫 更多酒吧主题派对: http://www.paidui798.com/p/22742