KIMYU俱乐部 HALLOWEEN 万圣 "尖叫" PARTY 出席这场荷尔蒙的狂欢

4年前 发布 1481 0

#血色尖叫# 这里究竟有什么?


What is there? Let's find out


夜幕降临,百鬼夜行 趁夜色,大胆鬼混 

As night falls, Hundred Ghosts walk at night, take advantage of the night, and fool around boldly


感官刺激着心跳 惊悚用尖叫释放恐惧

 The senses stimulate the heartbeat to horror Use screams to release fear


白月无光,黑夜将至 让每个人都沉浸在这个恐怖的夜晚

 There is no light in the white moon, and the night is approaching


惊悚、恐惧在镜头之下终究演绎有所限制, 下次亲自到场体验

 The horror and fear are limited in the interpretation of the camera, so you will experience it in person next time

本策划出自:KIMYU俱乐部 更多酒吧主题派对: