5/20 情人节主题派对 SUPER D 用电音的【治愈力量】你的世界, 用爱意将你包围,浪漫回顾!

4年前 发布 2301 0

SUPER D 用电音的【治愈力量】你的世界 用爱意将你包围 宠爱全世界独一不二的你! 浪漫回顾! 

SUPER D the healing power of electric sound in your world Surround you with love Spoil the world only one of you! Romantic review!

来自节奏大师 VANILLAZ的“硬派之爱”来袭 用交叉组合拳给你一个最硬的520 据说现场来的都是崇尚力量的 

Hardstyle Girl Hard love from rhythm master VANILLAZ Use the cross combination to give you the hardest 520

 It is said that those who come to the scene are Hardstyle girls who advocate strength


本策划出自:D PARK OFFICIAL 更多酒吧主题派对:http://www.paidui798.com/p/22815