Dr.Oscar | 圣诞节主题派对 至美时刻 · Ollie的圣诞奇幻之旅

4年前 发布 2028 0

12/24-25   Ollie's Fantasy Journey - 圣诞节 - # LOOK BACK #

The playground in your fantasy

可爱的Ollie和麋鹿躲迷藏 满是冰雪和糖果的树林 玩乐大师化身奇幻游乐场 树林背后的秘密等待着被开启 Cute Ollie and Elk hidingA forest full of ice and candies The secret behind the woods is waiting to be unlocked



The innocent fantasy forest world 

that belongs to our childhood 

The elves of the fairy tale kingdom reappear



Eye occupation, sensory capture 

Let everywhere bright spots everywhere

精雕细琢 匠心巨制 畅享在Ollie的奇幻之旅中 Crafted with great ingenuity Enjoy in Ollie's fantasy journey

Ollie在身边舞蹈 “色彩”与“艺术”交织的世界 神秘的色彩迷惑着你的双眼 Ollie dancing around The world of "color" and "art" Mysterious colors confuse your eyes 与玩乐大师扬州奥斯卡共度圣诞之夜 许下心愿 尽情享受温暖的节日 一起期待最美好的2021 Christmas night with Oscar of Yangzhou Make a wishIndulge in the warm holiday Looking forward to the best 2021 together

本策划出自:DrOscar奥斯卡扬州 更多酒吧主题派对: http://www.paidui798.com/p/22895