DrOscar奥斯卡扬州 #跨年主题派对 #

4年前 发布 2087 2


Dive into Y2K

 - Hi 2021 - 


 作为迎接新年的最后一波 玩乐大师扬州奥斯卡带来一份 Dive into Y2K-跨年计划 让我们一起回顾一下现场的精彩瞬间

 As a last resort to usher in the New Year Here's one from yangzhou Oscar 

Dive into Y2K- New Year's Eve plans Let's take a look back at some of the highlights

从概念、灯光、舞美、氛围、互动等 多维度颠覆还原 一场极致的视听盛宴

 From concept, lighting, stage design, atmosphere, interaction, etc

 Multi-dimensional subversion restore An ultimate audio-visual feast 感受Y2K的美学盛宴 与玩乐大师扬州奥斯卡的完美结合

 Feel Y2K's aesthetic feast The perfect match with the Yangzhou Oscar 千禧年射出的光束 来自狂欢的召唤 指引我们的方向 带你穿梭于过去和未来之中

 The millennium beam A call to revelry Show us the way Take you through the past and the future 站在2020的句点上 迎接全新的2021 !

 Stand at the end of 2020 Meet the new 2021!

本策划出自:DrOscar奥斯卡扬州 更多酒吧主题派对: http://www.paidui798.com/p/22923