3.8 女神节 电音主题派对 # Party Queen# | CLUB MOJOY 女王之夜,极致绽放,激情回顾! 致真、致情、致兴、致天明!

5年前 发布 2714 0


  女神节, 寻找MOJOY派对女王

Experience the ultimate collision between EDM and elegance

Goddess festival, looking for the MOJOY party queen

纵情一跃 跟随乐符节拍寻找内心的菲糜之音


Leap to follow music runes beat to find

 the heart of the Philippines mi voice

Touch the soul of music and enjoy the thrill of music



把自己放任的交给CLUB MOJOY

Enjoy the blast of manic waves,

Release your inner Raver!

Leave it to CLUB MOJOY

本策划出自:谷饶糖果酒吧 更多酒吧主题派对: http://www.paidui798.com/p/23563