DrOscar奥斯卡扬州#白色荧光主题派对# 白色与荧光相互谄媚彼此依赖 — White storm & fluorescent party

4年前 发布 2777 0

09/20-22 白色风暴 & 荧光派对 PART 1 # LOOK BACK #

简约纯粹的白 但今晚让纯粹变得绚烂多姿 一切都与白有关

 Contracted and pure white But tonight let the pure shine It's all about white


属于你们纯白的殿堂 艺术空间里灵与肉的相互谄媚彼此依赖

 To your temple of purity The mutual flattery of spirit and flesh in art space depends on each other


现场众多小姐姐纷纷打卡拍照 白色是天使的专属颜色 如童话般梦幻

 Many little sisters have clocked in the scene to take photos White is the color of angels Like a fairy tale  

性感不只是缤纷的娇艳 还有纯白的诱惑 疯狂从来不是彩色的专利 精心设计的概念模型,独特物件 

Sex appeal is more than just profusion And the lure of pure white Madness is never the preserve of color Carefully designed conceptual model, unique  

将暗黑融入白色 打造具有视觉冲击力的艺术对比

 Blend black with white Create an artistic contrast with visual impact 



眼球霸占、感官俘虏 让无处不荧光 处处皆是色彩和亮点

 Eye occupation, sensory capture Let everywhere fluorescent color and bright spots everywhere


Dr.Oscar为这次活动做了充足的准备 到场的RAVER 迫不及待创作属于自己的服装和纹身 排队创作就是对荧光DIY最大的认可 

Dr.Oscar is well prepared for this event Present RAVER Can't wait to create your own clothes and tattoos Lining up to create is the biggest recognition of fluorescent DIY  

“色彩”与“艺术”交织的世界 神秘的色彩迷惑着你的双眼 躁动的音乐挑逗着你灵魂深处

 "Color" and "art" interwoven world Mysterious colors confuse your eyes Restless music tease your soul  

这些一系列的爆点衔接 真真正正让整场乃至整个夜晚 都陷入顶级的疯狂状态中 

These series of bursts connect It's really making the whole show and the whole night Are in a state of utter madness 

Than color puzzle than the scene before shock Sensory experience that truly transcends body recognition

本策划出自:DrOscar奥斯卡扬州 白色主题派对   更多酒吧主题派对: http://www.paidui798.com/c/87