AHEYA CLUB 成都店 #电音主题派对 #白色派对

3年前 发布 2335 1

连续两天的PARTY TIME,坚持到最后还在舞池的才是真Warriors,整个现场一如既往地人满为患,冰雪下的感官冲击,让你在炎炎夏日满血复活,让我们重归舞池,一窥现场疯狂瞬间。

 For two consecutive days of PARTY TIME, it is the real warrior who insists on the dance floor. The whole scene is full of people, the sensory impact under the snow, let you resurrect in the hot summer, let us return to the dance floor. A glimpse of the scene crazy moment.


 "White" always feels innocent and natural, plus the sound and light stage created by heavy gold, the super-high-value visual crit, the collision of electronic music and white.

我们结合互动、音乐、铸造了一座"ICELAND”,用空间视觉以及场内爆棚的氛围,呈现了一场别具一格的 ICELAND PARTY,更以白色为主题,将摄影,抽象主义,行为艺术,油画雕塑,装置艺术,空间艺术等元素融汇其中。

 Combining interaction, music, and casting an "ICELAND", we presented a unique ICELAND PARTY with space vision and a bursting atmosphere. The theme of white is photography, abstraction, performance art, oil painting sculpture. The art of installation, space art and other elements are integrated.

Sexy girls和高水准拉斯维加斯Chippendales表演团队的强强组队,让整个现场陷入了一场白色冰雪狂欢,DJ YOYO充满质感的声线和强烈节奏的摇动,梦幻般的现场不知道有没有给各位惊喜。 

For two consecutive days of PARTY TIME, it is the real warrior who insists on the dance floor. The whole scene is full of people, the sensory impact under the snow, let you resurrect in the hot summer, let us return to the dance floor. A glimpse of the scene crazy moment.


For two consecutive days of PARTY TIME, it is the real warrior who insists on the dance floor. The whole scene is full of people, the sensory impact under the snow, let you resurrect in the hot summer, let us return to the dance floor. A glimpse of the scene crazy moment.

本策划出自:CLUB AHEYA成都 更多酒吧主题派对: http://www.paidui798.com/p/24512