很久没听到由衷 “Oh...Amazing” 的感叹了
I haven't heard the heartfelt sigh for a long time
Sometimes people feel it
In Wenzhou
No real party experience
Painting Pool T博士携手Sexy Queen 带来了这场史无前例的互动式派对
T and Sexy Queen
This is an unprecedented interactive party
这场能让你全身心投入 忘乎时间的顶级派对 好像将梦幻里的玩乐照进了现实 T博士用Painting Pool 诠释了 真正的疯狂
This is the best party you can forget about time It's like putting the fun in the dream into reality T explains the real madness with painting pool
这是真正的派对 沉浸、投入、尖叫、放纵 这也是温州从未有过的顶级派对 更是温州从未染上的缤纷色彩
This is a real party
Immerse, engage, scream, indulge
This is also the top party in Wenzhou
What's more
Wenzhou has never been dyed with colorful colors
你有多久没有像儿时一样 剔除工作的烦恼 摒弃生活的压力 浑身湿透地尽情舞蹈了?
How long have you not been like a child
Get rid of the troubles of work
Get rid of the pressure of life
All wet and dancing?
来T博士的Painting Pool吧! 这场为你而下的彩虹雨 将洗尽铅华 抹除所有的疲惫与不堪
Come to T's painting pool!
This rainbow rain for you
Will wash away the lead
Wipe out all the fatigue and unbearable
如果有DJ可以一上台 就得到最热烈的掌声与欢呼 那他一定是马丁 如果有团队可以一上台 就得到全场最挚烈的尖叫与呐喊 那她们一定是Sexy Queen
If there is a DJ
he can get the warmest applause
and cheers as soon as he comes on stage
Then he must be Martin
If there is a team
you can get the most sincere screams and shouts
So they must be Sexy Queen
当女王们的专属BGM响起 便是派对开启畅享的号角
When the Queen's exclusive BGM rings
It's the clarion call for the party to enjoy
When we were in T's crazy lab
When our hearts
It's all about fun and freedom
T博士敢保证 下一次迎接日出的梦里 必定回味着儿时的甘甜
T can guarantee it
In the dream of the next sunrise
Must taste the sweetness of childhood
本策划出自:Tlinx 更多酒吧主题派对: http://www.paidui798.com/p/24532