𝐃·𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 | 叁周年庆典【立方电音派对】𝟎𝟔/𝟏𝟖-𝟎𝟔/𝟐𝟎

𝐃·𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 叁周年庆典圆满成功 历时数天的筹备 只为这一天完美呈现

It took days of preparation Perfect for one day

三天三夜,三场派对,三种体验 一起见证这凝聚三年的力量爆发

Three days, three nights, three parties, three experiences Witness the power of three years together  


𝐃·𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 | 董事会领导及全体高层管理盛装出席 点亮“立方电音派对”!

D·PARK | board leadership and all dressedup to attend the senior managementLight up the cubical party!

𝐃·𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 | 董事会领导及全体高层管理盛装出席 点亮“立方电音派对”!

D·PARK | board leadership and all dressedup to attend the senior managementLight up the cubical party!

6.19晚 00:00 分,DP龙猪跨越两千多公里为大家带来浪漫惊喜,以一首《慢慢来》作为开场,寓意想和你慢慢来,等着你和节奏一起摇摆,然后以一首《环球小姐》将现场温度持续拉升,《全部都是你》将场内气氛拉至高潮,让欢乐充满整个角落,最后以一首《风吹一夏》结束表演,更是让大家体验了一场什么叫现场演唱会!

6.19 late 00:00, DP dragon pig across more than two thousand kilometers romantic surprise for everyone, with a "go slowly" as the opening, meaning want to and you take your time, waiting for you and rhythm swing together, and then with a "miss universe" pull field temperature rise, "is all you" pull stadium atmosphere to a climax, to fill the whole corner with joy, At the end of the performance with a song "The Wind Blows a Summer", let us experience what is a live concert!

6.20晚 00:00 分DJ MATEO登台,便点燃了现场的氛围,现场气氛热情高涨,搞怪精灵——DJ MATEO,用电音治愈你的心灵打造最纯粹的玩乐轰趴!事实证明DJ MATEO绝不只有搞怪的外表,他的实力也在为其能力正名,现场粉丝一次欢呼、一次次跟随是对DJ MATEO最好的认可!

At 00:00 PM on June 20, DJ Mateo came on stage and lit up the atmosphere. The atmosphere was enthusiastic and the spirit was funny. DJ Mateo, heal your heart with electric sound and create the purest fun home party! It turns out that DJ Mateo is more than just a funny look, his strength is also justifying his ability, the live fans cheer, follow the best recognition for DJ Mateo!

JUST FOR FUN 生命不息玩乐不止 𝐃·𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐊 |【立方电音派对】叁周年庆典,完美谢幕


