缪斯俱乐部焦作店 # 新春主题派对 # MUSEjiaozuo | 2/19 | 唐人街探案 | 精彩现场~~~

5年前 发布 3907 8

花灯点燃的是期盼 花灯映照的是幸福 What the lantern lights is expectation The lantern reflects happiness.

靓丽“春宵”女子 陪您一同闹“春宵” Beautiful "Spring Festival Night" Women Accompany you to make "Spring Festival Night"

梦里寻他千百度 | 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊处 | 盏盏花灯 Looking for him in a dream A burning lamp

细细感触那颗迷离的心跳 为您那份平淡朴实的生活 点缀一份奢侈 | 与甜蜜 Feel the blurred heartbeat For your plain and simple life Decorate a Luxury with Sweetness 悦耳的音乐之声四处回荡, 职如风萧和玉壶在空中流光飞舞, 热闹的夜晚鱼龙形的彩灯在翻腾。 The sound of music echoes everywhere. Work like wind and jade pot flowing in the air. Fish-dragon-shaped lanterns were rolling in the busy night.

与您的好友释放疯狂 与您的恋人互诉衷肠 与您相约MUSE.jiaozuo Release Crazy with Your Friends Talk to your lover Make an appointment with you MUSE. Jiaozuo

