HGC苏州后宫 · 六月特别活动企划丨荧光主题派对之【荧光计划】丨以荧光之名,为夜上色,盘点那些荧光计划派对里最靓的靓仔!!

5年前 发布 4689 2



荧光之夜 · 为夜上色 

特别企划 · 荧光主题趴


 Are you ready to shine? Together to be the most beautiful boy in the evening!

青春总是多彩的 我们在最美好的年龄自然需要散发自己的光芒 这两夜HGC为你量身打造 给你一个闪亮的舞台

 These two nights HGC tailor-made for you Give you a shining stage

舞蹈与荧光的结合 抛弃传统的蹦迪 今夜我们都是最闪亮的仔!

 show time The Combination of Dance and Fluorescence Abandon the Tradition of Tiaodi Tonight we are all the brightest boys!

伸手不见五指的黑暗中 除了让荧光遍布在你身体的每个部位 成为全场瞩目的焦点 

In the darkness where you can't see your fingers Except for the fluorescence to spread over every part of your body Become the focus of attention

本次派对用到大量荧光物品 推荐使用荧光粉 当Light师的灯光打到你身上的时候 你就是夜晚中最靓的星!

 A lot of fluorescent items were used in the party. Recommended use of phosphors When the lamplighter's lights hit you You are the most beautiful star in the night!

精彩的荧光派对演出 足够闪耀全场的舞蹈搭配荧光 碰撞出青春的色彩

人气爆棚的派对现场 灯光与人群的尽情交织

更多酒吧主题派对: http://www.paidui798.com/p/23817